History of Couchbase

Couchbase is an open source, distributed cache, key value and JSON document database, that ships with a powerful and rich ANSI-compliant SQL language for easy developer adoption.

It emerged out of two open source projects, Memcached and CouchDB, to address modern scalability, performance, HA and data flexibility challenges.

Couchbase Evolution

Memcached is a very popular open source caching technology. However it has many inherent limitations and as a result, the original engineers of Memcached developed Membase as a drop-in replacement.

Membase started out as an enterprise ready Caching and Key Value database and eventually evolved into Couchbase when CouchDB engineers added JSON document support.

As a result, Couchbase is a drop-in replacement for Memcached deployments as well as a powerful key-value and document database. In one consolidated solution you get the performance benefits of a cache and the persistence guarantees of a database.

"Couchbase addresses inherent Memcached Limitations" : [
"#" : 1,
"problem" : "No clustering, difficult to manage individual instances",
"solutions" : [ "Clustered & distributed from the get-go",
"120+ monitoring stats for easy maintance",
"Rich Web UI for easy management",
"Easy Programmatic management using REST/CLI"],
"solved" : true
"#" : 2,
"problem" : "Cold Cache",
"solutions" : [ "A consolidated Cache & Key Value database",
"Warm-up from local disk"],
"solved" : true
"#" : 3,
"problem" : "No high availability, crash == stampeding herd!",
"solutions" : [ "Built-in Replication for high availability & Disaster Recovery",
"Automatic failover"],
"solved" : true
"#" : 4,
"problems" : [ "Key loss during scale out (Ketama hashing)",
"Manual code/config changes and app restarts required"],
"solutions" : [ "Hash based auto-sharding == even data distribution == NO hot-spots",
"100% Key availability during scale out",
"Easily scale w/o touching app code/config & w/o restarting servers"],
"solved" : true

Today, the original engineers of both open source technologies continue to work for Couchbase, adding cutting edge innovations and continuously improving performance and scale.

Key Couchbase Features

Couchbase provides a robust foundation focused on scale, performance and high availability for mission critical applications. On top of this solid foundation, Couchbase has added powerful developer features. In a nutshell it satisfies the needs of Architects/Operations & Developers.

  1. Enterprise grade Caching, Key-Value and Document database solution
  2. High availability and Disaster Recovery
    • Intelligent rack/zone aware replication
    • Auto-failover
    • Cross data center replication
  3. Comprehensive monitoring stats and programmatic management via REST/CLI
  4. Security
    • Encryption over the wire,
    • On disk Encryption
    • LDAP/AD integration, roles and auditing
  5. SQL (ANSI compliant) for JSON documents
    • Reuse SQL skills to easily query documents
    • Extended SQL for JSON structures (embedded documents, collections) and flexible data models
    • Use prepared statements and even cache query plans
    • ODBC/JDBC connectors
  6. Global secondary indexes
    • Improve SQL query performance
    • Queries can use multiple indexes (intersect-scans)
    • Filters/Partial indexes using WHERE predicates
    • Covering indexes
    • Function based indexes
  7. Views (distributed indexes) built using incremental map/reduce
    • Great for near realtime aggregations
    • Composite indexes for powerful view queries
    • Built in reducers for counts, sums, stats
    • Geo-spatial & multi-dimensional indexes and queries
  8. Multi-dimensional scaling
    • Scale up or out
    • KV, query & index workload isolation
  9. Hadoop, Spark, Kafka, ES/Solr connectors
  10. Embedded database and Synchronization platform
    • For offline/online mobile apps
    • Great for IOT use cases
  11. Full Text indexes and scored search results (developer preview)

Couchbase - The Complete Data Management Solution

The 4 principles of Couchbase

Couchbase is built about 4 principles

  1. Consistent High Performance at Scale

    • A single commodity server can support hundreds of thousands of operations per second
    • Sub-millisecond latency (< 1ms at the 95% percentile)
    • High performance reads, writes and mixed workloads
  2. Easy & Affordable Scalability

    • Scale with a few clicks (so easy my computer illiterate mother can do it)
    • Scale Linearly
    • Small clusters (3 to 10 servers) can handle extremely high throughput @ <1ms latency
    • Scale to billions of items
  3. Enterprise level High Availability and Easy Maintenance

    • Easily (again my mother can do it) replicate up to 3 times
    • Intelligently replicate with Rack/Zone awareness, allowing for multiple server failures, even with one replica copy
    • All maintenance tasks can be done with zero downtime
    • Replicate an entire database(s) across multiple data-centers for Disaster recovery
  4. Flexible data model with Flexibly Queries

    • No need to define rigid schemas, change or extend schema at runtime
    • JSON natively maps to application objects
    • Extremely suited to agile development
    • Use SQL to flexible express queries over your flexible data structure! (No need to learn a bespoke query API)
    • Full text search (developer preview)

Couchbase - 4 Principles of Couchbase

In the next blog post, Part 2: Couchbase architecture in a Nutshell, we dive into the nuts & bolts of Couchbase architecture, explaining how it elegantly implements these core principles into its design.

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26 November 2015
