Couchbase in a Nutshell

This 10-part blog provides the core principles of Couchbase server in bite-size pieces. For a deep-dive I recommend reading our online documentation. However if you want a fast-track understanding of Couchbase - then this is the place for you.

Part 1: Introducing Couchbase Server

  • History of Couchbase
  • The 4 principles of Couchbase
  • Key features

Part 2: Couchbase architecture in a Nutshell

  • Single Node Architecture
  • Multi-Dimensional scaling
  • An introduction to the the cluster Map

Part 3: The Data Service - KV ops, Data Distribution and Scaling

  • KV operations, replication and persistence
  • How data is distributed and accessed
  • How scale out works
  • Simple KV examples

Part 4: A quick detour - CAP theorem

  • An introduction to CAP theorem
  • CP by default. Consistency w/o sacrificing performance
  • AP architecture - Cross Data Centre Replication

Part 5: The Data Service - Data Replication and High Availability

  • Replication and Rack Zone Awareness
  • How Failover works
  • Automatic failover or manual
  • Simple KV examples for handling failover

Part 6: The Data Service - Views in a Nutshell

  • Views (distributed indexes)
  • View creation (Map Reduce) and View queries (scatter gather)
  • Simple view examples

Part 7: The Index Service in a Nutshell

  • Multi-dimensional scaling revisited
  • Index Service Architecture
  • Differences between views and indexes
  • A simple index example

Part 8: The Query Service in a Nutshell

  • Multi-dimensional scaling revisited
  • Query Service Architecture
  • Some simple N1QL queries

Part 9: KV v Views v N1QL

  • Differences between KV, Views and N1QL
  • 90/10 rule
  • Cache your queries

Part 10: Disaster Recovery - Cross Data Centre Replication

  • An introduction to XDCR
  • A simple XDCR example
  • XDCR Topologies
  • AP considerations

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26 November 2015
